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China Chongqing PVkingdom New Energy Co., Ltd Company Cases

Green Household

Household Distributed Rooftop PV ESS Project Location: Chongqing, China. Capacity: 19.8 kw         Residential photovoltaic (PV) solutions are increasingly gaining global attention and adoption as a renewable energy solution. Worldwide, more and more households and individuals are recognizing the limitations and environmental impact of traditional energy sources, leading them to turn to solar PV energy as a sustainable and clean alternative. Residential PV solutions offer several application advantages.   Firstly, residential PV solutions are environmentally friendly and renewable. Solar energy is harnessed by PV systems to convert sunlight into electricity, generating no pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions, making it highly eco-friendly. Compared to conventional energy sources, solar energy is renewable, with abundant and widely distributed solar resources, offering limitless potential. By installing solar panels on rooftops or suitable locations, households can generate their own electricity, reducing reliance on the traditional grid and achieving energy self-sufficiency. Secondly, residential PV solutions offer economic and operational benefits. With advancing technology and decreasing costs, the construction and maintenance expenses of PV systems have significantly reduced. By harnessing solar power, households can reduce or even eliminate monthly electricity bills. In some regions, governments provide solar energy subsidies and tax incentives, further lowering the investment costs of PV systems. Additionally, some households can sell excess electricity back to the grid, generating additional income. Residential PV solutions represent a growing global trend in renewable energy solutions. By harnessing solar power, these solutions not only contribute to environmental friendliness and sustainable development but also offer economic and operational advantages for households. With further technological advancements and policy developments, residential PV solutions are expected to witness wider adoption in the future.      

Green Industry & Commercial

Commercial Building Rooftop PV Project Location: Chongqing, China Capacity: 70.5 kw,        Application Scenarios of Commercial and Industrial Rooftop Photovoltaics:   Commercial Building Rooftop PV: Commercial buildings often have extensive rooftop areas suitable for installing PV systems. These systems can provide renewable energy to meet a portion or all of the building's electricity demand, reducing electricity expenses and decreasing reliance on conventional energy sources. Industrial Facility Rooftop PV: Industrial facility rooftops typically offer large surface areas, making them ideal for installing large-scale PV systems. These systems can provide independent power supply to the facility, reducing reliance on the grid, lowering energy costs, and reducing fossil fuel consumption. Large-Scale Commercial Retail PV: Large commercial retail buildings such as shopping malls and supermarkets have significant rooftop areas available for PV system installation. By harnessing solar power, these buildings can reduce electricity costs, improve financial benefits, and showcase an environmentally friendly and sustainable corporate image. Public Infrastructure PV: Public facilities such as schools, hospitals, and sports stadiums can utilize rooftop PV systems to meet their own electricity needs, reduce dependence on the public grid, achieve energy independence, and provide sustainable energy solutions for the community.   Advantages of commercial and industrial rooftop photovoltaics:   Energy Cost Savings: PV systems harness solar energy to generate electricity, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and lowering energy costs. Significant energy savings can be achieved, particularly over the long-term operation of the systems. Environmental Friendliness and Sustainability: PV systems generate electricity without pollution or greenhouse gas emissions, making them environmentally friendly. The use of renewable energy helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels and promotes sustainable development. Carbon Footprint Reduction: Commercial and industrial rooftop photovoltaics can reduce the carbon footprints of buildings and businesses, positively contributing to climate change mitigation and the transition toward a low-carbon economy. Enhanced Corporate Image and Sustainability Awareness: Adopting commercial and industrial rooftop PV systems can enhance the environmental image and sustainability awareness of businesses, meeting the expectations of consumers and stakeholders regarding corporate social responsibility.

Green Power Plant

Ground-mounted Distributed Power Plant Project Location: Yunyang, Chongqing Capacity: 5.8 mw         The scale of ground-mounted solar power plants can vary depending on project requirements and land conditions. Generally, the capacity of ground-mounted solar power plants ranges from a few megawatts (MW) to several hundred MW.     Suitable land conditions for ground-mounted solar power plants: Area: Ground-mounted solar power plants require large, flat land areas to accommodate a significant number of solar panels and related facilities. Sunlight conditions: The land should have good sunlight conditions, with ample sunshine and minimal shading, to ensure the solar panels receive sufficient solar radiation. Land stability: The land should have good stability and load-bearing capacity to ensure the safe and stable installation of solar panels and support structures. Land ownership and land use: Legitimate land-use rights need to be obtained, and the project should comply with local land planning and management requirements.   Components of a ground-mounted solar power plant system: Solar photovotaic modules: Solar panels are the core components of ground-mounted solar power plants, responsible for converting solar energy into direct current (DC) electricity. Mounting structures: Mounting structures are used to support and install solar panels, ensuring their stability and optimal tilt angle for sunlight exposure. Inverter: Inverters convert the DC electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity for grid connection or storage. Grid connection: Ground-mounted solar power plants need to be connected to the grid to deliver the generated electricity to users or the power grid. Monitoring and control systems: Monitoring and control systems are used to monitor the power plant's generation, performance, and safety in real-time, and enable remote control and management.   The construction of ground-mounted solar power plants also involves considerations such as environmental impact assessment, land use permits, grid connection approvals, engineering construction, and operation and maintenance management. Specific construction requirements and processes may vary depending on the region and country, and should be planned and implemented in accordance with local regulations and requirements.

Green Building (BIPV)

PetroChina gas station BIPV Project Location: Nanchong, Sichuan, China. Capacity: kw   BIPV stands for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics. It refers to the integration of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules or systems directly into building structures, such as roofs, facades, windows, or canopies, to generate electricity while serving as functional building components. BIPV technology combines the benefits of solar power generation with the architectural and aesthetic aspects of buildings. Unlike traditional solar PV systems that are added to buildings as separate installations, BIPV systems are designed to seamlessly blend with the building's design and construction materials. They can take various forms, including solar roof tiles, solar glass panels, solar curtain walls, and solar shading devices. BIPV systems can be integrated during new construction or retrofitted into existing buildings. BIPV technology is continuously advancing, with ongoing research and development focused on improving efficiency, durability, and affordability. As the integration of renewable energy becomes increasingly important in the construction sector, BIPV offers a promising solution to combine energy generation with architectural design and sustainability. Advantages: Energy Generation: BIPV systems convert sunlight into electricity, allowing buildings to generate their own renewable energy and reduce reliance on the grid. They can contribute to meeting a portion or all of a building's energy needs. Architectural Integration: BIPV systems can be customized to match the design and aesthetics of the building, offering flexibility in terms of colors, shapes, and transparency levels. This integration enhances the visual appeal of the building and allows for architectural creativity. Space Utilization: By utilizing building surfaces for solar energy generation, BIPV maximizes the use of available space without the need for additional land or dedicated solar installations. This is particularly beneficial in urban environments with limited space. Environmental Benefits: BIPV systems generate clean, renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to mitigating climate change. They promote sustainable development and help buildings achieve higher energy efficiency and green building certifications. Cost Savings: While BIPV systems may have higher upfront costs compared to conventional building materials, they can provide long-term cost savings through reduced energy bills and potential incentives, such as feed-in tariffs or tax credits for solar energy generation.  

Green EV Charging

Photovoltaic Charging Station Project Location: Yubei District, Chongqing, China Capacity: 62 EV simultaneously   An integrated solar storage charging station combines solar photovoltaic generation, energy storage, and electric vehicle charging capabilities. These comprehensive facilities play a significant role in advancing clean energy adoption and supporting sustainable transportation.   Advantages of Integrated Solar Energy Storage and Charging Station: Renewable Energy Utilization: The integrated solar storage charging station harnesses solar energy through photovoltaic systems. This renewable energy source reduces reliance on traditional energy resources, decreases greenhouse gas emissions, and minimizes environmental impact. Energy Storage and Stable Power Supply: Equipped with energy storage systems such as batteries or supercapacitors, the station can store excess electricity generated during daylight hours. This stored energy can be utilized during nighttime or periods of low sunlight, ensuring a stable power supply. Energy storage systems also help balance energy demand and supply, enhancing grid stability and reliability. Independent Operation and Emergency Backup Power: The integrated solar storage charging station is capable of independent operation, reducing dependence on the conventional power grid. This makes it particularly valuable in remote areas or during emergency situations. In the event of blackouts or emergencies, the station can serve as a reliable backup power source, providing electricity to critical facilities and communities. Convenience for Electric Vehicle Charging: The station offers fast and convenient charging services for electric vehicles (EVs). By combining photovoltaic generation and energy storage with charging infrastructure, users can charge their EVs at any time without relying solely on traditional charging stations or the grid. Environmental Friendliness and Sustainable Development: The use of an integrated solar storage charging station promotes the adoption of clean energy and contributes to sustainable development. By reducing fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions, it helps improve air quality and mitigate climate change. An Integrated Solar Storage Charging Station Addresses Challenges: Dependency on Fossil Fuels: By utilizing renewable solar energy, the station reduces the reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation. This helps mitigate the environmental impact associated with fossil fuel extraction, combustion, and emissions. Grid Reliability and Resilience: The station's energy storage capability enhances grid stability and resilience by balancing energy demand and supply fluctuations. It can provide backup power during grid outages or emergencies, ensuring a continuous power supply to critical facilities and communities. Limited Access to Electricity: In remote areas with limited or no access to the power grid, the integrated solar storage charging station provides an independent and sustainable source of electricity. It helps bridge the energy access gap and improves the quality of life for people in off-grid or underserved areas. Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles: The station addresses the challenge of establishing widespread and convenient charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. By integrating solar power generation and energy storage with EV charging facilities, it offers a decentralized and accessible charging solution, supporting the adoption of electric vehicles and reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuel-powered transportation. Environmental Impact and Climate Change: The integrated station contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change effects. By utilizing clean solar energy, it helps decrease carbon dioxide and other harmful emissions associated with conventional electricity generation, promoting a cleaner and more sustainable energy sector.  

Green Agriculture

Agriculture-Photovoltaic (Agri-PV) Project Location: Jilin, China Capacity: 100MW   Integrated PV and Agriculture System offers advantages such as optimal land use, increased agricultural yield, energy cost savings, environmental friendliness and sustainable development, and economic benefits with dual revenue streams. This approach provides an innovative model for the agriculture and energy sectors, promoting modernization, sustainability, and energy transition in agriculture.   Advantages: Optimal land use: Agricultural land often has large areas available, while solar PV systems require a certain amount of land for panel installation. By installing PV panels on agricultural land, such as farmland, pastures, or greenhouses, land resources can be fully utilized for multiple purposes. Increased agricultural yield: PV panel installations can create shading in agricultural fields, reducing crop temperatures and minimizing water evaporation. This improves the growing environment, leading to increased crop yield and quality. Additionally, the operation of PV systems can provide electricity for agricultural water supply and irrigation systems, enhancing agricultural productivity. Energy cost savings: Agricultural production typically requires a significant amount of electricity for tasks such as irrigation and greenhouse control. By utilizing PV systems, agricultural operations can generate their own electricity, reducing reliance on the traditional grid and lowering energy procurement costs. Environmental friendliness and sustainable development: PV power generation is a clean and renewable energy source. Integrating PV with agriculture helps reduce the demand for fossil fuels and decreases greenhouse gas emissions, leading to improved environmental quality. The integrated application promotes green and sustainable agricultural practices that align with environmental protection and sustainable development goals. Economic benefits and dual revenue streams: The integrated PV and agriculture approach not only provides agricultural output but also generates electricity revenue. Farmers or landowners can sell excess electricity back to the grid, earning additional income. This dual revenue stream enhances the economic sustainability and competitiveness of agricultural practices.   Government incentives and subsidies available Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs): Some governments offer FiTs, which guarantee a fixed payment rate for the electricity generated by PV systems. Farmers or landowners with integrated PV and agriculture systems can receive payments for the electricity they produce and feed into the grid. FiTs provide long-term revenue stability and incentivize the implementation of PV systems. Net Metering or Feed-in Premiums: Net metering allows PV system owners to offset their electricity consumption by exporting excess electricity to the grid. In some cases, landowners with integrated PV and agriculture systems can receive a premium price for the surplus electricity they generate, further incentivizing the integration of PV and agriculture. Grants and Subsidies: Governments may provide grants or subsidies to support the installation and development of integrated PV and agriculture systems. These financial incentives can help offset the upfront costs associated with PV panel installation, equipment purchases, and system integration. Tax Incentives: Tax incentives, such as tax credits or exemptions, may be available for farmers or landowners who invest in integrated PV and agriculture systems. These incentives can reduce the overall project costs and provide financial relief. Research and Development (R&D) Funding: Governments often allocate funding for R&D projects related to renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. Researchers and organizations working on integrated PV and agriculture systems can access these funds to support their research, development, and implementation efforts. It's important to note that the availability and details of government incentives and subsidies can vary widely. It's recommended to consult local government agencies, energy departments, or agricultural organizations to get the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding specific incentives and subsidies in your region.